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Ms. Holiday & King Louis Blowing That LOUD!

🎈Happy Day to You Kush Fam! Much love to you and yours! S/O to the N.O. we got Ms. Holiday the magical chanteuse sangin her mellifluous version of the song New Orleans with the King Louis Armstrong blowing that good... literally and figuratively. These two were good friends and known for blowing that goodie bag. Not to mention before it was called "Mary Jane" our grandparents and great grandparents were calling it that "Billie Holiday."

🎈Two things you may have not known about the talented and gorgeous singer Billie Holiday:

#1 She could "out cuss a sailor" and ...

#2 She loved her "reefer!" (AKA Kush, Loud, Pot, get it.)

🎈When Holiday smoked marijuana you could buy a couple of joints for twenty-five cents. By the 1930s, even before marijuana was criminalized, Billie Holiday's name had become a kind of password among marijuana smokers who had formed a improvised network for obtaining weed or rather "Billie Holiday." Holiday's friend Marie Bryant said that she could remember a time that "soon enough a guy would knock on your hotel door with a phonograph and Louis's [Armstrong] and Billie's records...and a little thing of pot....And this happened all over the country, a society of people who just loved Billie." - A Bad Woman Feeling Good by Buzzy Jackson.

🎈Louis Armstrong was first turned onto marijuana in the mid-1920s, and he smoked it all his life, including before performances and recordings. Armstrong was arrested in November 1930 while smoking marijuana with drummer Vic Berton outside the Cotton Club in Culver City, California. Variety, under headline "Drug Charges Against Jazz Band Musicians" said that pair were arrested by narcotic officers and arraigned on charges of possession of marijuana, "a dopeweed used in cigarettes."

🎈According to Vic Berton's brother Ralph, "The cops took Vic and Louis downtown, where they spent the night in a cell, laughing it up--they were still high. They stopped laughing the next morning when the judge game them six months and a one thousand dollar fine each." Connections, possibly through graft exercised by Prohibition-era club owners, got the sentences suspended and "Armstrong went back to smoking marijuana almost immediately."( for Kush Hour TV) #kushhourtv🎈 #gettingblowed #comingwiththatloudpack #bestof2016 #kushgang #aponation

Kush Hour TV "The World's #1 Marijuana Show!"

Tags: Kush Hour, Kush Hour TV, Kush, Cannabis, 420, Jah Love

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