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Kush Hour TV X Indigo Vibration "Tibetan Singing Bowl Health Benefits"

🖖🏾😊 Hey Kush Fam🎈🎈🎈#JAH LOVE & PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH!!!...With our consciousness higher than these balloons right now...!!! 🎈🖖🏾😊 🎈 We are discussing the many forms of physical & spiritual healing available, and amongst these being sound therapy and particularly the Tibetan Singing Bowl. Please join Crystal Healing Practitioner, Indigo Vibration, as she shows you how to use a Tibetan Singing Bowl and explains their reasons for use and why it’s not the same as the tea cup in the movie Get Out lol.. Singing bowls - also known as Himalayan or Tibetan bowls - are used in yoga, music therapy, sound healing, and religious ceremonies. 🎈According to ( in the Buddhist Tibetan tradition, singing bowls are “played to signal the beginning and the end of silent meditation cycles. Tibetan bowls emit very pure tones, close to sine waves. Their sound is a synonym of purity for our ears. Like a bell, the tone is produced by striking the side of the bowl with a wooden mallet. By running the mallet around the bowl - only with slight pressure - a pure tone will eventually rise. When this happens, the bowl is said to sing - hence its name.” 🎈#1love ...keep puffing that LOUD!🎈🎈🎈Thanks for watching, liking and sharing!🎈🖖🏾😊 Hey Kush Fam🎈🎈🎈For the best of Kush Hour TV head over to our site! #jahlove #weed #stayhigh #legalize #marijuana #weedstagram #weedstagram420 #weedporn #weedsociety #kush #thc #wakenbake #420life #420 #ganja #pothead #bong #joint #blunt #legalizeit #cannabis #wakeandbake #dabstagram #maryjane #iwillmarrymary #indica #sativa #cookies

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