Kush Hour TV X Celebrating Your Life!

🎈🖖🏾😊 Hey Kush Fam🎈🎈🎈#JAH LOVE & PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH!!!...With our consciousness higher than these balloons right now...!!! 🎈🖖🏾😊 🎈What’s up Kush Family!!!
🎈When I am celebrating something, I am REALLY grateful for it. You know that feeling you get when something makes you so happy that you want to break out the bags of that #loud and start dancing in the streets? THAT feeling!
🎈The attitude of celebrating your life is healthy, both physically and emotionally. Not only that, but upbeat people attract other upbeat people, so by changing your attitude, you can set in motion positive reinforcement for a new and improved outlook. How great is your life already? Ask your heart.
🎈The list is endless of all the things that are truly celebration worthy in our lives.
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” ― Oprah Winfrey
Create a Celebration Journal
🎈So let’s start a Celebration Journal! This will be a journal where we combine gratitude with happy and add a little extra happy to it. This celebration journal will be to remind us to have the “break open the loudpack and dance in the street” kind of happy about what we do have.
What are you celebrating today?
😊The Ancient Tao says, “You Were Born Enlightened.. So Be Yourself!” #NAMASTE ...My Higher-Self Recognizes Your Higher Self! #Stay-High-Fam! 😊 🎈#1love ...keep puffing that LOUD!🎈🎈🎈Thanks for watching, liking and sharing!🎈🖖🏾😊 Hey Kush Fam🎈🎈🎈For the best of Kush Hour TV head over to our site! http://kushhourtvcom.wixsite.com/jahlove #jahlove #weed #stayhigh #legalize #marijuana #weedstagram #weedstagram420 #weedporn #weedsociety #kush #thc #wakenbake #420life #420 #ganja #pothead #bong #joint #blunt #legalizeit #cannabis #wakeandbake #dabstagram #maryjane #iwillmarrymary #indica #sativa #cookies #podcast