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Winter Solstice...Kushin' All Over The World

🎈🖖🏾😊 Hey Kush Fam🎈🎈🎈We're higher than these red balloons right now...!!!🎈🎈🎈 and the topic for discussion going on is the Winter Solstice 2016!!! Ya Mon!!! .....

🎈In the Brazilian film Black Orpheus, the hero per se, “Orpheus” must wake up early and play a beautiful song in order to get the sun to rise each morning. When Orpheus is killed the children from his village rise up to take on the task. The scene depicted here is the children making a joyous noise to the Sun God to wake (her/ him) up. Today marks the beginning of the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere of the world.

🎈What is the Winter Solstice? So glad you asked (I just know you have been wanting this question answered your whole entire life, lol). So, anyways… the Winter Solstice are the 3 days of the year that the Sun is recognised in the Northern Hemisphere as being the furthest away from us. This typically occurs between the days of either December 20, 21, 22, or 23. In the Northern half of the world it is the shortest day of the year (least amount of sunlight). While, in the southern half of the world summer is on and here in the coldest regions look forward to the end of the sun being so far away from us. In response to this people all over the world participate with festivals and celebrations to welcome the returning cycle of the Sun. Although it marks the beginning of winter for those of us here in the Northern Hemisphere, it also the beginning of longer days again (increased sunlight)!

🎈S/O to all our folks in Arizona! Especially to our Hopi Natives in the house!!! For the Hopi the Winter Solstice celebration is known as “Soyal.” This celebration typically takes place on the Rez (Reservation) in Northern Arizona. The ceremonies and rituals include purification, dancing, and sometimes gift-giving. At the time of the solstice, Hopi welcome the Kachinas, which are protective spirits from the mountains. Prayer sticks are crafted and used for various blessings and other rituals.

🎈Since ancient times, people all over the world have recognized this important astronomical occurrence and celebrated the subsequent “return” of the Sun in a variety of different ways. Long ago, people celebrated by lighting bonfires and candles to coax back the sun. Ancient solstice traditions have influenced holidays we celebrate now, such as Christmas and Hanukkah. In China, the “arrival of winter,” is celebrated in an important festival known as Dong Zhi. S/O to all our fam from #China. In China, Dong Zhi is a time for family to get together and celebrate the year they have had. Based on the traditional Chinese celestial calendar, the holiday generally falls also between the 21st and 23rd of December. It is thought to have started as an end-of-harvest festival, with workers returning from the fields and enjoying the fruits of their labors with family.

🎈We believe in the connections of us all and so we feel blessed to have an extended family all over the world. However, you recognise this time we thank you for your continued love!!!

🎈🎈🎈For the best of Kush Hour TV head over to our site! - "The World's #1 Marijuana Show!"🎈🎈🎈

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