Kush Hour TV x FAMU Voices "Weed Poem"
🎈🖖🏾😊 Hey Kush Fam🎈🎈🎈#JAH LOVE & PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH!!!...We're higher than these red balloons right now...!!! And this is a “Weed Poem” performed by “Voices.” Voices is a spoken word poetry club located on the Florida A&M University Campus. Voices is an official organization at FAMU. Founded in 2009, their mission was “to create a group for poets and spoken word artists who have open minds, eager hearts, and a willingness to write.” For more information or booking they can be reached at VoicesHeard09@gmail.com
🎈#1love ...keep puffing that LOUD!🎈🎈🎈Thanks for watching, liking and sharing!🎈🖖🏾😊 Hey Kush Fam🎈🎈🎈For the best of Kush Hour TV head over to our site! http://kushhourtvcom.wixsite.com/jahlove #jahlove #weed #stayhigh #seahawks #marijuana #weedstagram #seattle #reggae #weedsociety #kush #thc #wakenbake #NYE #420 #ganja #jahrastafari #marijuana #bong #joint #blunt #happynewyear #cannabis #wakeandbake #dabstagram #maryjane #purpose #funny #comedy #indica #sativa #newyearsresolutions