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🎈🖖🏾😊 Hey Kush Fam🎈🎈🎈#JAH LOVE & PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH!!!...We're higher than these red balloons right now...!!! 🎈🖖🏾😊 🎈Sharing the good news about Green Bananas… Especially, if you are into the whole vegan, alkaline, electric diet, #drsebi sorta thang..than this is for you! … Or, if you just want an amazing alternative to potatoes! Join Indigo Vibration as she shows you how to create an amazing version of everyone's breakfast favorite potatoes and onions, using the Dr. Sebi recommended Green Banana. The Green Banana is unlike any other banana on the market, offering our viewers the wonderful taste of a potato without the consequences associated with the starch and sugars the potato is known for. The Green Banana can typically be found at Oriental Grocers & Markets. If you have found them at any other locations please share below...and thanks for watching! #2yourhealth

According to Master Herbalist Dr. Paul Haider, “Most people don’t know how powerful and inexpensive cooked green bananas can be for creating great health. Green bananas are grown all over the world and when cooked they are very good antacid, they lower blood pressure, prevent strokes, help with stress, build strong bones, boosts up our metabolism, plus play a very important role in water balance, and also important for brain, heart, and kidney function. And cooked green bananas contain Vitamin C a powerful antioxidant that prevents disease and boosts up our immune system. Cooked green bananas are important for weight loss and colon health, and they have resistant starch in them for growing lots of probiotic bacteria. Thus they boost up our immune system, help with healing gastric ulcers, prevent colon cancer, and work amazingly well for getting rid of diarrhea… and they taste great!” For more information from Dr. Paul regarding green bananas check out

1love ...keep puffing that LOUD!🎈🎈🎈Thanks for watching, liking and sharing!🎈🖖🏾😊 Hey Kush Fam🎈🎈🎈For the best of Kush Hour TV head over to our site! #jahlove #weed #stayhigh #legalize #marijuana #weedstagram #weedstagram420 #weedporn #weedsociety #kush #thc #wakenbake #420life #420 #ganja #pothead #bong #joint #blunt #cannabis #sacrament #wakeandbake #dabstagram #maryjane #iwillmarrymary #indica #sativa #cookies

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